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Friday, August 2, 2019

HMGS Historicon AAR....

Historicon 2019 was going to be quite different than most of my other adventures... this time around, I brought my family. Mostly they did stuff away from gaming, but my kids got involved when they wanted... otherwise, they were sight seeing and going to Hershey Park. The hotel I was in was a few blocks away.. but it was a very nice walk and I need the exercise.... downtown Lancaster was very nice.  I will get through the pleasantries and move onto the show quickly.... My family came and the wife and kids did have a great time.. yes, even at the show.

 The walk was pleasant enough and the hotel clean....

Swag bags! We scored 3... my wife was an attending spouse, but my 2 kids were gamers!

This is the one restaurant I want to mention.... it was awesome, well priced, close to my hotel and delicious! It was our breakfast.. crepes! I highly recommend the place as their portion size was nice!

Now on to the show... not in any particular order mind you... this was the first show in MANY years I got to go as a patron and didn't have to work my ass off! I saw and did so much, I didn't get to take a lot of pics, so... the venue was actually really nice, spread out more than expected, but still really nice. The show was well attended and there was plenty to do... hats off to Joby and crew!

The Triumph folks never fail to impress! They ran another beautiful LOTR game.. The Battle of 5 Armies!

Registration was VERY efficient.. I walked up, got my badges etc....  

Awards desk.... always pretty to see.

Events desk.... and MAPS!!! It was great to see maps throughout the facility to show you where you were and where things were. With a new venue, it is always a challenge to get around. Joby Made sure folks would not have a problem doing this.

The man, the myth.. the legend! It is always great to see Walt at any shows... we have been friends for a long time now and he is a great guy to know and learn from! Not to mention he got guidebook back on the books!

The dealer hall was set up nicely... I was able to get in and get what I wanted and also browse... of course, I spent pretty much all of my flea market money I made there.... who doesn't? I was a little lighter in the pocketbook this time as I had my family in tow... I wasn't hiding purchase form the wife, but with the family came added expenses... and I wasn't about to let them go penniless and have a bad time!

A great time was had at Dave's booth! The Wargamer was running demo games in the dealer hall and they were always well attended.

 I had to take pictures of this game.... John Spiess and his crew are awesome painters... John especially. I was floored by this terrain!

I made a stop at Badger games as they were the only ones carrying Crusader miniatures at the show that I could find. I had to pick up some Normans in chain and padded armor for my SAGA army.

More pretty tournament games being played... there was so much to see and do at the show that at times I actually felt overwhelmed like a little kid!


A couple more shots of John's game... out of order, but I had to go back and take some pics for ideas for my Mordheim scenery!


The BoD meeting... the seating of the new BoD members and new business... it was a very informative meeting and I always walk away wondering why more folks don't come to these!

Helm's Deep form the LOTR SBG tournament area... I spent a LOT of time there... I brought my army but didn't get to play! Mostly because I accidentally left it in the van and it went to Hershey Park with the family!

The REAL reason I do this! I followed my son everywhere! He was amazed at what a convention is... he is only 6 and this was his first show. He is our future!

Another LOTR FBG tournament battle taking place!

And, of course.. the Friday night Mordheim campaign run by Frank Weaver.... it was great, it was quick and we had a few new players. It wasn't as bloody for me as I made an alliance with one of the new players and we did well.... we both came out ahead....

In the beginning! I have retired my rats and have been running my Reiklanders.... as coincidence had it.. so did my ally.. so it only made sense...

Some of the opposition.... 

 My son and I during the game.... at 6, he is already playing easier games (without full rules) like Armada, X-Wing, LOTR SBG, Mordheim, and Frostgrave to name a few!


 More pics from the game.... a great time was had by all!


 Back in the dealer hall and at another game... my son liked their store and liked their games! I always check to see if they have new dice or coins as my kids love them!

There were more than the regular fair share of dealers selling fantasy stuff.... I almost had to pick up the new D&D ship!

Hobby University was very well represented. I am not sure how all of their space worked out, but it seemed fine to me.... my kids and I painted up some goblins! They loved it..... I have always said.. this is great for our hobby! My son loves WW2 tanks because of it.

I had to up my game for DBM! Turns out I have only been playing with 200 points.. I now need to get 200 more hopefully done by Fall In!.... I love this game.... I also love DBN! A great way to work folks into Napoleonics!

More stuff... lol!

MBA is insane...... this is awesome and someday I would like to have this! The buildings are great for on the water or off.... they have really outdone themselves on this set!

Pictures would NOT be complete without a shot of my local BnM shop.. The Griffon's Lair.... come form Erie PA to Lancaster... they had a really good show.. I hope all vendors did! They are also looking forward to Fall In! 2019 at Valley Forge Convention Center.... funny, so am I....

 More dealer images....

Someone's idea of a joke or great Lancaster hospitality.... if I was a gambling sort.. I would have been taking shots! If you cannot see.. there is Makers Mark whiskey at the watering station in the dealers hall.... (yes, I was obligated to report it....)

 I know there isn't many actual game shots in this report.... I was so busy playing I didn't take a lot of pictures of them! I did, however get a lot of pics form the dealer and tourney area.

 On the way home I had to stop in Dubois to get some Penn State Ice Cream!..... I ran into an old friend... we look a lot alike I am told!

Not as glorious or detailed as my usual reporting but I think some of the key take away notes include: the new venue was really nice, the food, climate, culture, walk, etc.. I can go on and on... was really nice.

The LCC food was really good and who could say no to the taco bar on the second floor by the event board! Also, the bar food was very good and they ran beer specials.... it was very nice.

Downtown had a lot to offer and it didn't look like we suffered on attendance, vendor participation, event submissions or tournaments.... in general, I was told a good time was had by everyone. We shall see what the future holds for this location.... it is a LOT different form the Host.... but, if you have a chance... go by the Host..... it has come a looooong way since CW.. and, well.. lets just say... you will see it for CW 2020.....

Lets see... games, venue, food... dealers..... ahhh.. flea market and load in and out..... not being a dealer, I heard the load in and out was ok, especially since Joby provided staff to help and also watch as GM's moves their stuff around and had to park cars, etc....

Wally's Basement was in the lowest area of the CC but had escalators and doors and very easy load in and out.... I did very well selling, but had to funnel some money to the wife and kids for their fun.... I did spend some money in the flea.. I picked up some LOTR figures form Brian.... he is getting out of the game.. great deals and made a great friend. The rest, as usual.. went to the dealer hall....

All in all.... the show was great and I had fun..... Most importantly.. my son and daughter had fun and cannot wait for the next one that they can go to!

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