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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

WARHEAD Studios.. an unexpected interlude

Ok, so I am on Face Book and a guy makes a post in the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle group that I belong to.... There is this company in Poland making resin terrain called WARHEAD Studios... and it appears perfect for Rohan.... I have a variety of scenery that could be used for Rohan, but this stuff looks like it was made for them. I followed the link and went to their web site and lo and behold, they are running a special! I looked over their range, which is small for the moment, but growing... they are a new company. After a little searching ion the net, I decided to give them a shot. I bought the village starter and an extra set of palisades. The village starter came with 2 buildings and a set of their palisades.... I instantly saw that I would be wanting/needing more to do a proper Rohan settlement. I placed the order and my stuff came in fairly quickly. As they are a new company, they threw in a free set of ruin stones for my business. Unnecessary, but very cool!

The large box consisted of 4 smaller pre-packaged boxes. 2 boxes had houses and 2 had the palisade sets. They were packed well in bubble wrap and snugly fit into the boxes. Nothing arrived damaged.

 The pieces had gone through a general cleaning prior to shipping and packaging. there was very little to clean up other than a few small bubbled on the inside of the resin castings.
Their logo and box label.

Some Shots for scale... these are dang near perfect for Games Workshop LOTR Strategy Battle games!

More shots for scale. I think they look great and will look awesome once primed, painted and possibly based. I am trying to decide if I want to make a solid hill fort or leave it all in pieces so it will be versatile...

All in all, I very nice set!

This is one set of palisades assembled... 

The houses... unassembled. I did a dry run fit test.... then went right to gluing them. They went together very nicely with using regular super glue... Some pics below to see how that went... they were very square when assembled for the final product. I did leave the roofs unglued for the moment. You can see very little gaping on the exterior.. this made me very happy!

As I said, quite square... all parts lined up well and fit well.. I had a slight crack on the first house assembly, but I think this is more due to me, rather than actual fit. The second house went together without a single gap or issue...

Completed houses for scale and measurements.

Below you can see the one corner I messed up...

Above you can see the starter set they were selling... 2 houses and one set of palisades... Below you can see why I bought an extra set of palisades... There is room for another house or two... but most likely, I will put in a well and garden, etc....

All said and done, here is the fort set up as I intend to use it and the extra pieces I had after I was done.

End result, I am very happy with Warhead Studios! I would and will buy more form them as their product line grows. They are just starting out and doing a fine job. Cost was very affordable, shipping time was acceptable and they had a product I wanted that was not able to be filled by a US seller.

This should be a nice project to work on while I struggle over what to do next miniature wise! the next post with these pieces will be the completed ones. I plan to prime the whole set a darker grey, maybe even use some darker brown too.... then bring up the layers of grey on the stone through dry brushing lighter grey colors and then for timbers, it will go the same way.. starting with a darker brown and then bringing up the layers and highlights. I am looking forward to doing these a lot!

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