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Monday, March 25, 2019

Final Dwarf Lord of the Rings Skirmish battle game countdown!!

Well, the time has finally come! I am down to less than a dozen LOTR dwarves left to paint!!! (of course, this doesn't include my Hobbit stuff). Anyway, I finished up the last of my warrior archers and then moved on to the remaining Dwarf rangers.

I used my same color pallet for them, The blue of the blue mountains. I wanted my force to be original... only later to realize that I would need them to be compatible with Durin & Mardin too! Ahhh well, I handled that by using a dark green for the others.. more on that later! The figures were painted with mostly IWM paints.... blue, bronze, steel, leather... Some highlights and the bases were done in Games Workshop Eshin grey and a light IWM grey. The gravel varied between fine and small depending upon what type of figure I was painting. I tend to do the heroes in a finer, smaller gravel.

  The remaining Dwarf rangers were up next. I had 4 with axes and 4 with bows. I used the same color scheme, except I did a few in the dark green... it was a GW Catachan green or Dark Angels green.... the names change so much....


 They finished up nicely! I believe these images are "pre-inking". I am still struggling to learn how to better use the Nuln OIl and ink washes.... I am really liking how they look once inked. I have also gone back to hit highlights on the figures where the ink stained or highlighted areas that shouldn't have been darker... like foreheads, etc...

Queued up was a command group with a hero/captain and standard bearer. As I had already started on making some figures in green, I opted ot make the captain and standard green also... I already have 2 sets of them in blue.

The finished rangers with axes... I did the cloaks in a lighter grey to see how it would look. There is actually 2 shades of grey, but the contrast is not visible in these images.

The completed archers.... same story, some green, all with the lighter cloaks. I also experimented with rad hair and lighter highlights. I like the way it looks, I just need to get better at painting it. I started with a base of ITW red-brown and then used a GW dark red... not crimson gore though.... just a darker red I had. I dry-brushed this over the re-brown and I like how it turned out... I might need to go back and hit the highlights again as the ink left some darker spots in raised areas.

Skipping ahead... I didn't really take any "in process' pictures of the captain and standard bearer. They were both done in green.. I am happy how they turned out... a bit better than table top, but far form collectors... from a distance, they look great... I am slowly getting better at looking great at "up close and personal".

 Here they are a little closer... it is pretty neat how small they look when my hands are in the pictures! I should have taken better pictures of the hero and captain... perhaps soon enough...

In this image you cannot see the shading on the is a dark green with the dark red and a lighter green for the raven and then some highlights.

And now for something I am pretty proud of... I decided to knock out one of the dwarven king figures too.... I wanted it to be different from all of the rest, so I went online and looked at a lot of images.... I opted to go with a variant on one of the Games Workshop paint jobs. I really like the way this one turned out! I experimented with the hair and highlighting, more inking, fine line embroidery.... it all seemed to come together pretty well.... again, I am no pro, but this one turned out nice!.. Still no eyes... I used ink to give depth and detail.... thin your paints!!!! If you base paint thin enough, you don't lose details the ink can pick out.


 Below is one of the Iron Guard I did also... I actually painted 2... ? Not sure why I only took pics of the one. I did them in the dark green too....

Next up I am working on Durin and Mardin. You can see them in the background of the above pictures. After them... well, I can say I have 2 more Iron Guard to paint, one dwarf king and another captain.... then, dare I say it.. I am done.... Until GW releases their new supplement and new figures to go with it..... <sigh>...... 

After these are done, I have 8 measly Moria plastic goblins to do. I want to take a break and finish up my Milite Christie warband for SAGA as I picked up the rest of the shield decals I needed to finish them. I still need to finish the horses and the riders. I picked up the Age of Viking book with the battle boards for the latest edition.... so I can move on to painting my Normans next!

So many projects! I am so glad I am getting a lot done.  

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