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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rohan Standard bearer no.2

As unusual as this might seem, I am posting again.. the very next day.

Ok, I spent a decent part of my free time yesterday thinking about how I should repaint/finish the second standard bearer. I already have a nice skirmish force for Rohan.... all from one household.... Eomer's.... (that would be the green banner from yesterday's post).

My second banner is blue.... and that is of the king's great hall (I am a nerd, don't bother yourself how I know these things). For your reference.. I took these from the net:

I will be making the rest of my riders and the Royal Guard in the colors of King Théoden.

As for the model, it turned out no worse than the first... I didn't take any "before" pics, but you can see this horse in an earlier article. This one also came from my brother-in-law. I didn't like that whomever mounted the horse... did so off center.... I seriously considered putting a dead Uruk on the base... I also decided that I need to start stepping up my horse painting. Pretty much all of the ones I have done  have been rather plain.. I might have to go back and add some white to the Knights of Minas Tirith horses... some coronets, anklets or socks perhaps! Hobby University at HMGS does classes on painting horses.... perhaps I should attend one?

I am rather loath to do a "lot" of blue for this force as my dwarves are Blue Mountain dwarves and already have a lot of blue. Ideally Rohan looks great with their Hunter green and burgundy... but I do not want them to be too Christmas-y either.... we shall see.

I also managed to assemble the plastic Knights of Minas Tirith and get a base coat of brown over the gravel bases of the other knights I am working on. One thing for sure.... you can see (barely) below the assembled plastic knights above the actual box art... They are definitively NOT the same models....

How lazy can a company get.... Games Workshop... shame on you! I may be your slave to sales, but I am not blind! For the new box art of the plastic set of Knights, all they did is add in one more knight and glue shields to the old lead and plastic kit!!!! This is tantamount to false advertising.... until I realized the box says "contents may vary". You would think that they would have built and painted up the new plastic knights for the box! They are actually in very cool poses. Ok, RANT off....

I am very pleased with the models as each one is different and it adds uniqueness to the skirmish force. To be fair, the knight bodies are only in 2 poses, but the arms with the lances are ALL DIFFERENT! And.. it is really cool as the models can also be built with or without the shields.... I am torn here... do I make them without shields so all of my knights match.. or do I put shields on them and use them as a first wave type "leading the charge" models.... I'll have to check the stats though... the shield, if added should add +1 to their armor value..... if they are only there for visual effect... I'll have to decide.. one way or another.

I also snapped a picture of the Mordheim Empire figures I won in the auction... they will need a LOT of work, but it will be fun. (in the back you can see the lead knights with their base brown started)

Like I said, these guys are pretty cool.... all made from the newer Empire Militia box set... I don't have any Mordheim figures made from them yet. They look a lot like they could be from Marionburg. They will be a fine addition to my collection when they are finished!

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