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Monday, September 27, 2021

Covid round up and a year of quiet painting

 Ok, with so much that happened around Covid...lets just say I got really busy and pretty much forgot to blog... anything.... almost as if 2020 did not exist at all.....

Anyway, I did a heck of a lot of painting.....  most of which wound up posted on FB.... but I never sat down to do any blogging. I am going to attempt to put some articles together.

For the most part... I did not go to any shows at all.... none in 2020 at all....  In fact, 2020 was to be my last show as HMGS Fall-In! convention Director. I figured 10 years was enough. Besides, politics and infighting had started to take a toll on some close friendships.... I did not like the direction the organization was headed. Ans, sitting here right now.... I can see my instincts were correct.

2019 Seems so long ago too.... I never did an AAR for my last Fall IN! at it's new location... The Valley Forge Convention Center... I will publish something on that just so it is on record... that was the beginning of the end for me though.... Not burned out, but I decided that after the 2019 show, 2020 would be my last.... the politics and infighting that had occurred at the show were too much.... butter to step down and save a friendship or two than go down a bad road I could not return from. Enough of that though....

One good thing that happened is that I was nominated and "inducted" into the Legion of Honor for all of my years of service to HMGS and gaming at large. They are a great group of people and it was truly an honor! Now, I used "" to say inducted as I was never officially inducted ceremony wise into the group as Covid shut all of that down. I am a member though.... and very proud of that accomplishment!

Back to the blog point.... I did a bunch of mail ordering and direct buys from some shops and my local brick and mortar store Griffon's Lair.

My painting consisted of a lot of Lord of the Rings miniatures, go figure....  Minat Tirith, Moria Goblins, Dead of Dunharrow, Harradrim, some Mordheim showcasing, SAGA Normans and yes, my spiral back into WH40K.... 

So, lot sof things to write about and play catch up on.... life just got very busy in 2020 for me.... I am a new grandparent... my daughter and son-in-law moved back home, kids sports, Covid Task force... so much more.... but I promise...the next article will be about painting miniatures and gaming... back on track....

Speaking of gaming.. I did manage to get a bunch of games in also.... more on all of this later... old news to some, but new to this blog.... 

1 comment:

  1. It's with great sadness to inform everyone that Dan has passed on.

    You are immortal in our minds, and you will be missed dearly.
